Sunday, January 3, 2016

Review of Carlton Global Inc Kuuk 2 in 1 Vegetable Spiralizer

I've been wanting one of these since watching a cooking show that featured a spiralizer! This handy gadget is operated by hand with the use of a "cap" that has a metal pin and grooves that fit down into the vegetable so that it can be twisted along the blades. The vegetables come out in long spirals and the results are very beautiful.

I have used zucchini, squash, quartered potatoes, quartered sweet potatoes, carrots and cucumber. The process is very fast, but make the dishes look like they took a lot of time and they are so elegant. Another plus is that they are very quick to cook. Just imagine being able to cook sweet potatoes or potatoes in a matter of a few minutes!

I have read many comments about serving zucchini like pasta and, although I haven't tried it that way yet, I plan to. It is so delicious sauteed with a little olive oil in a pan! I cooked the potatoes the same way. It is such a healthy way to get my vegetables. I tend to cook these dishes just right because they cook so quickly that I generally don't have to walk away from the stove. There are some great recipes out there that I'm excited to use.

The very center of the vegetable comes out looking almost like a crinkle-cut french fry. It is a bit thicker than the "pasta" strips, but can be hand-sliced and cooked as well. My only complaint is that after the vegetable is cut so far and the cap reaches the top of the spiralizer, I can no longer spiral cut the vegetable, leaving about an inch unspiralized. The last inch of vegetable has a point that looks like a sharpened pencil. I hand-cut this last portion into small strips, but they do not match the rest of the strips; however, I am certainly not going to waste that much vegetable!

I received a promotional rate on the Carlton Global Inc Kuuk 2 in 1 Vegetable Spiralizer for testing and review. I am so happy to recommend this product to make your vegetable and fruit dishes so much more interesting and definitely appealing! It will be a great addition to your kitchen and will also make a great gift idea.


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